fredag 29. oktober 2010

My travel blog (3)

Post 3 Saturday 17th of July

Dear diary

Today has been one of my greatest days ever! You know Australia is a very big country, but mostly of the land is actually covered with desert. And I was really hoping that I could have time to take a trip to the desert one of the days, but the time didn’t allow it. Instead I have spent the day in another way.

Australia is a big island, and therefore it’s not a surprise that the water-sports in Australia are extremely popular. You can choose almost whatever you want; everything from surfing and snorkelling to scuba diving, fishing, boating, among a host of others. And it says that here you can ride atop heaven kissing waves, explore the fabulous marine life, swim with majestic sharks, ride on small boats even as you soak in the beauty of lovely locales, and ski. Didn’t that sound great? And that’s just some of the things the Australian water-sports offers!

And for today I’ve chosen scuba diving. It's such an amazing experience to dive in the bottom of the ocean and swim through the ocean's many secrets.To scuba dive is something I have dreamed of doing every day since I was a little child. I actually remember that I wanted a new pair of webbed feet for every Christmas, and I always got some. But then my mother became tired of this, because she wanted to give me something else that I actually where going to use. You see, we didn’t have any kind of a pool back home, we just had a small bathtub!

Anyway... Because I was going to scuba dive I had to prepare, and I had a hurry time because we were going to the Australian bush afterwards. But there was not at any place we were going to dive, because we were going to the Great Barrier Reef!

When you look at the map you see that on the eastern side of the country you will find the Pacific Ocean, and on the western side the Indian Ocean. And as you may know you’ll find the Great Barrier Reef at the north-east side of Australia.


You have no idea of how beautiful it’s under the surface. To scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef every person on the earth need to experience. It was really beautiful down there. A lot of colours and different creations made it like a dream. When I swam, fishes were surrounding me from every corner, and I just felt like I was an ugly, fat fish. You see; absolutely every fish had a selection of many beautiful colours, and there were things down there that you just have seen on the most pro programs on TV.

And I have to say that we were really lucky when it came to the weather. Not that I noticed it when I was diving, but the sun has been shining every day this week. Even though I went to Australia in the winter, it's a very nice weather here. The climate have usual a temperate and moderately fertile soil in the south-east and south-west corners. The northern part of the country has a tropical climate, varied between tropical rainforests, grasslands, part desert.

In the end I would like to say that this has been my absolutely greatest journey in my entire life! It has just been an amazing experience, and I’ve got the chance to do so much fun and interesting things. Of course I was hoping that I could spend some more days in this beautiful country, but I do also hope that there is somebody waiting for me back home. And it was sad that I didn’t have the time to experience Uluru, or Ayers Rock, but I know that I someday will return.

No I have to go because we are going to the Australian bush, and hopefully have a look at the Australian kangaroos. And after that it’s time to travel back home... a 35 hours long flight.

Thanks for everything! xoxo

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