mandag 25. oktober 2010

My travel blog (1)

A journey to Australia

So I went to Australia as you know to have a memorable and perfect vacation, but also to experience something new. Well, it was not a secret that I loved to go shopping, but I was also curious about the differences between home and Australia. I had been told that the nature in Australia was beautiful, and that when you left the country, you just wanted to go back. And I have to say it; I really want to go back!

As we travelled around in Australia I had a lot of great experiences. Then I came up with the brilliant idea of how to remember those things even better than just by taking pictures. And that was; to write a diary. Then I really could express myself and bring my memories to the paper. So here you go, part 1.

Monday 12th of July

Dear Diary

Today started with me being star-struck when I suddenly meet Kylie Minogue!

I was supposed to take the elevator alone in stillness to reach the breakfast at the hotel. When the elevator was on its way down to the breakfast-hall, it stopped at the 3rd floor, and a well-known person came in. I’ve never had a problem with the breath earlier in my life, but this few seconds in the elevator with Kylie was really problematic! I couldn’t take any risk if I had a foul breath. When we arrived the breakfast-hall I had to run into the toilet and take a deep breath, before I washed my face with ice-cold water. I’ve never ever meet a famous person, and to know that Kylie Minogue is living at the same hotel as me, is making me freak out. And it’s a little bit funny, and a huge coincidence that the star is visiting her homeland at this time. But we are going to stay here in Melbourne for just a couple of days anyway...

I also have to say that in this very short time I’ve been in Australia, I can see a lot of different people. It’s really clear that Australia has been immigrated from several countries and nations, and that it also has been a lot of settlers here in Australia. And one more thing I have to say before I go to bed is that I’ve finally understood the meaning by the Australian flag. You see, it has the Union Flag in the canton, and a large seven-pointed star under the Union Flag were six of the points represents the six original states in Australia, and the five stars to the left contains a representation of the Southern Cross constellation.

 The Australian falg

Melbourne city at day

Good night :)

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